Category Archives: Uncategorized

Is your use of color killing sales? Here’s why… and here’s how to make it work for you.

One of the most popular courses I’ve taught over the years is this one, revealing the color theory that helps customers understand what you are selling them or enrolling them into doing… and why your current color strategy may be working against you.

This was a course sold by Catalog University in 2014 and has more relevance than ever. Let’s just say it’s well worth the “price of admission”
See the presentation by visiting

In a world full of visual messages, one of the most powerful tools at our disposal is color. Yet most designers don’t really know which colors hinder readership and response, or which ones enable more successful results.

Did you know that red type can reduce readership?

Red can also attract they eye. Understanding the role of color in catalog design is vital to getting the best response. This course explains how customers see color and provides many examples of how changing color has increased response. Once you see the numbers, with increases over 100%, you will start to see how much color controls what we look at first, whether or not we will read text and ultimately if we purchase or just turn the page.

Did you know that reverse type can kill a product’s sales?

In this catalog design class, award-winning creative director Carol Worthington-Levy shares her substantial knowledge and research about color with plenty of examples and suggestions for how to create a catalog in colors that increase response and engagement.



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